品牌:VICKERS/威格士 | 型号:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S | 用途:计量泵 |
压力:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20SMpa | 材质:玻璃 | 泵轴位置:边立式 |
叶轮吸入方式:双吸式 | 驱动方式:磁力 | 性能:防爆 |
原理:齿轮泵 | 适用范围:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S | 流量:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20Sm3/h |
扬程:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20Sm | 叶轮结构:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S | 叶轮数目:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S |
工作压力:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S | 规格:SALAMI 1PB1.12D612870002 1DR30P20S |
1CE30 - Overcenter valve
Pilot assisted relief with check
30L/min (8 USgpm) ? 270 bar (4000 psi)
The check section allows The check section allows free flow into the actuator then holds and locks the load against movement. The pilot assisted relief valve section will give controlled movement when pilot pressure is applied. The relief section is normally set to open at a pressure at least 1.3 times the maximum load induced pressure but the pressure required to open the valve and allow movement depends on the pilot ratio of the valve. For optimization of load control and energy usage, a choice of pilot ratios is available.The pressure required to open the valve and start actuator movement can be calculated as follows:Pilot Pressure = (Relief Setting) - (Load Pressure)
Cartridge is economical and fits simple cavity. Allows quick, easy field service - reduces down time. Interchangeable with pilot check valve of a similar size
Pilot ratio:
2.5:1 Best suited for extremely unstable applications such as long booms or flexible frameworks.
5:1 (standard) Best suited for applications where load varies and machine structure can induce instability.
10:1 Best suited for applications where the load remains relatively constant.
Performance data:
Figures based on: Oil Temp = 40° C Viscosity = 32 cSt (150 SUS)
Rated flow 30 L/min (8 USgpm)
Max relief pressure 350 bar (5000 psi)
Max load induced pressure 270 bar (4000 psi)
Cartridge material Working parts hardened and ground steel. External surfaces zinc plated.
Standard housing material Aluminum (up to 210 bar). Add suffix “377” for steel option.
Mounting position Unrestricted
Cavity A6610 (See Section M)
Torque cartridge into cavity 45 Nm (33 lbs ft)
Weight 1CE30 0.15 kg (0.33 lbs)
1CE35 0.41 kg (0.90 lbs)
1CEE34 0.90 kg (1.98 lbs)
Seal kits SK395 (Nitrile)
SK395V (Viton?)
Filtration Cleanliness code 18/13 (25 micron nominal)
Temperature range -30°C to +90°C (-22° to +194°F)
Internal leakage 0.3 milliliters/min nominal (5 dpm)
Nominal viscosity range 5 to 500 cSt
1CE30 - Cartridge Only
1CE35 - Cartridge in body
1CEE34 - Cartridges in dual body
F - Screw adjustment
N - Fixed
Pressure range
20 - (2.5:1 and 5:1): 70-210 bar.Std setting 100 bar
(10:1): 100-210 bar.Std setting 100 bar
35 - (2.5:1 and 5:1): 100-350
bar.Std setting 210 bar
(10:1): 120-350 bar.Std setting 210 bar
Seal material
S - Buna-N
SV - Viton
Pilot ratio
2 - 2:1
5 - 5:1
10 - 10:1
Figures based on: Oil Temp = 40° C Viscosity = 32 cSt (150 SUS)
Rated flow30 L/min (8 USgpm)
Max relief pressure350 bar (5000 psi)
Max load induced pressure270 bar (4000 psi)
Cartridge materialWorking parts hardened and ground steel. External surfaces zinc plated.
Standard housing materialAluminum (up to 210 bar). Add suffix “377” for steel option.
Mounting positionUnrestricted
CavityA6610 (See Section M)
Torque cartridge into cavity45 Nm (33 lbs ft)
Weight1CE30 0.15 kg (0.33 lbs)
1CE35 0.41 kg (0.90 lbs)
1CEE34 0.90 kg (1.98 lbs)
Seal kitsSK395 (Nitrile)SK395V (Viton?)
FiltrationCleanliness code 18/13 (25 micron nominal)
Temperature range-30°C to +90°C (-22° to +194°F)
Internal leakage0.3 milliliters/min nominal (5 dpm)
Nominal viscosity range5 to 500 cSt
1CE30 = 仅有插件
1CE35 = 单阀&阀体
1CEE34 = 双阀&阀体
F = 内六角螺栓调节
N = 固定方式-压力根据需
3W = 3/8”BSP 阀口和负载口,1/4”BSP 先导口
6T = 3/8”SAE 阀口和负载口,1/4”SAE 先导口
8T = 1/2”SAE 阀口和负载口,1/4”SAE 先导口
4平衡压力范围@4.8 l/min
20 = (2.5:1 & 5:1):70-210bar.出厂设置:100bar
35 = (2.5:1 & 5:1):100-350bar.出厂设置:210bar
标准设置在 4.8l/min,可据需求提供其他压力范围
对于固定方式,设置的数字以 10bar 为间隔置于编
S = 丁腈橡胶(适用于大多数工业用液压油)
SV = 氟橡胶(适用于高温和特种流体介质)
2 = 2.5:1
5 = 5:1(标准)
10 = 10:1
4.0 A/F
17.0 A/F
“F”方式调整,进行调节前松开紧固螺母,调节后拧紧螺母, 紧固螺母扭矩——20 到 25Nm
——20 到 25Nm